
Monday, 28 September 2015

Exploring Point Pelee

On Saturday after staying over and enjoying a wonderful breakfast with Wendy and Keith in Chatham, we decided it might be fun to visit Point Pelee. Our last visit was the first summer we dated, so 33 years ago. 

It was a beautiful sunny day for a drive in the country. We stopped to take a photo of this field full of rusty old tractors before continuing on our way to Leamington for a bite to eat.
Perch with coleslaw, fries and grapefruit draft beer made for a yummy lunch at a restaurant near the Pelee Island Ferry Dock. I liked this bird sculpture in their garden.
It was a short 3 km drive from the dock to Point Pelee National Park.
We caught a shuttle from the Visitor Centre to the Tip of Canada.
The shuttle dropped us off and a short walk along the beach brought us to the southernmost Tip of Canada.
Instead of taking the shuttle, we walked the 2.5 km trail back to the Visitor Centre capturing photos of monarch butterflies, moths, bees and flowers along the way.
We also stopped at the DeLaurier homestead built in the 1800's. My husband sat on this old farm machinery. Imagine what it must have been like planting the fields with this.
The Marsh Boardwalk was our last stop. We walked the easy 1 km loop through the marsh and climbed the lookout tower for a panoramic view of the wetlands.
The last time we visited, these barn swallow nests on the tower were full of babies. By September, they are abandoned and empty. 

Exploring Point Pelee was a fun and relaxing way to spend an afternoon. 

We drove the scenic route home on Highway 3 and saw lots of windmills plus lots of signs protesting them. I don't really really know whether windmills are good or bad, but I do think they are beautiful in an odd, alien-looking kind of way.

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