
Sunday, 27 September 2015

Celebrating Six Decades Married

My Great Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Ron were married September 24, 1955. 

Wendy, their daughter sent out this invitation via Facebook: "We hope you will join us to celebrate Ron and Dorothy's 60th wedding anniversary!! Reception is from 8 PM to midnight at Aleksander Estate Winery 1542 County Road 34, Kingsville on Friday September 25th. Casual dress. No gifts - Dad says just "smiles and best wishes". Feel free to message me if you want more info. We would love to see you there to congratulate this amazing couple on an amazing marriage (but then I'm a bit biased...)"

Wendy is my Mom's cousin and my first cousin, once removed. (Great) Aunt Dorothy is my Grandmother's youngest sister, but truthfully more like a daughter with a 21-year age difference. I always loved seeing Wendy and her sister Janice when I was little and was happy to reconnect with them through Facebook. 

It was Wendy who recommended the Happiness Option Weekend course in Sheffield, MA in July and offered a ride with her husband Keith and son Ben. If you missed it, you can read all about that weekend here. I loved the course and loved getting to know Keith and Ben. I was hoping I would get to see Wendy someday soon too. 

Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Ron's 60th Wedding Anniversary was a perfect opportunity to get together to celebrate family and a lifetime of happy memories. We had such a great time at the party chatting with relatives we rarely ever see and meeting the next generation we had heard about over the years, but never actually met. It was such a fun evening.

I took photos of the table displaying Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Ron's photo from their wedding and a more recent photo of them together. They are a beautiful happy couple both then and now. 
I also took photos of the picture boards Wendy made for each decade of her parents' married life together. I loved seeing them on display.
Wendy posted this comment with her parents' wedding photo on Facebook. "Today is the official day. Happy 60th Anniversary to the best example of "wedded bliss" I know. So lucky they are my parents too!!" 

Wendy says the nicest things and she is right. Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Ron are an exceptionally great couple with an amazing bond that started way back in grade school I am told.

I was busy chatting and reminiscing, so did not take a lot of "party" pictures, but did get one of me with Aunt Lena and Aunt Dorothy, my Grandma's two youngest sisters. I love these two ladies and know my Grandma did too. I'm sure she is sending hugs from heaven to us all.
This is another of my Mom's cousins Vicky and her husband Ron. Vicky is Aunt Lena's daughter. Her pet name for my Grandma was Mimi. As a young child I couldn't understand why Vicky called my Grandma 'Mimi'. I knew her name was Marian. Now I get it and am happy to see Wendy named one of her cats Mimi. Fond memories live on.
Wendy brought home roses from the party. I took a picture before she hid them from her cats. Wendy and Keith invited us to stay over with them which was wonderful. It gave us a chance to catch up properly over breakfast the next day.
Wendy and Keith's property backs onto the river. The view from their kitchen is truly lovely. 
I went outside to take a few more photos and had to share this garden mermaid. She's beautiful from every angle.
This is one of Wendy's cats. He looked so cute sitting in the window, I couldn't resist taking his picture too.
Thanks to Wendy and Keith for inviting us to stay. We had a wonderful time and Chatham isn't that far away, perhaps we can get together again sometime soon. It would be fun.

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  1. Looks like a great family "get together" - glad you both had such a special time and enjoyed touring the surrounding area.

  2. Glad that you had such a great time Beth, I wish we could have attended.

    1. Me too. Let's hope we can both make it to Wendy's next gathering to collect and review family photos.
