
Wednesday, 1 July 2020

COVID Careful Canada Day

My husband and I are celebrating a COVID Careful Canada Day this year. We spent the day together just the two of us. We enjoyed a mid-day bike ride together just the two of us driving our bikes to Hyde Park Road and 9 Mile Road to avoid city traffic. The wind and heat made for a challenging, but fun ride. I was happy to get back in the car after 50 km. My husband added more distance biking home on his own.

The rest of our day was spent recovering from our ride, eating, swimming, gardening and taking a few photos in our garden.

When I jumped in the pool this afternoon, I was pleased to find one of the young owls hanging out in our small maple tree down by the pool. I rushed to get my husband to take more photos of this adorable little owl posing so perfectly for Canada Day.
My husband also snapped a photo of Sadie keeping a close eye on me in the pool.
He caught me enjoying a refreshing dip in the pool on this hot and humid Canada Day.
Our Butterfly Weed is budding and almost ready to bloom.
My husband is doing a great job with our new vegetable garden inspired by our friend Fernando's garden in Cuba. He planted beans, carrots and tomatoes plus a few zucchini plants in pots. Thanks to our son for taking out the old overgrown juniper bushes last fall. It's a perfect spot for a garden.
I practiced taking a couple shots of our potted pink begonias using manual focus. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this new camera - my birthday gift from last year. 
Happy Canada Day to all our friends and family near and far. I hope you too are enjoying a COVID Careful Canada Day 2020 😊

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