
Thursday, 25 June 2020

Showcasing Our Paintings by Richard Thompson

Over the past year and a bit, we have bought four paintings from Richard Thompson. Before covid, we used to visit Richard at his studio in The Baker's Dozen (B13) on Dundas Street almost every Saturday. We would watch his progress week by week as he painted. We loved everything he made. 

His elaborate colourful costumes, crazy over-the-top hats, intricate detailed backgrounds meticulously executed, fun steam punk bits ... all of it appealed to us. We especially loved the Latin titles and corresponding themes he chose for his paintings. 

We first fell for Supercilium depicting "arrogance and pride in possessions". It was on display at B13 and caught our eye even before we met Richard. A fancily dressed man holding a floating steam punk fish on a chain is totally flamboyant and fun. We loved it, yet didn't buy it right away.

Our first purchase was actually the diptych or pair of paintings below: "Amor et Melle et Felle est Fecunddisssimus." meaning "Love is Rich with Both Honey and Venom." After almost 35 years of marriage, my husband and I both totally identified with the meaning behind this message.

Richard's next piece was also irresistible given the title and theme: "Vivamus ut si mori cras. Fusce ut si vivere in aeternum." meaning "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."  This message is one I aspire to follow. I loved this advice and this painting, so we bought it as well.

These three paintings fit in so perfectly in our living room, we decided to add one more to our collection. The biggest of the bunch: Supercilium was our last purchase. Too big to fit anywhere else, it takes pride of place in our front hallway. I love that it hangs front and centre where we pass by frequently. 

All these paintings make me smile every time I catch sight of them. I am showcasing Our Paintings by Richard Thompson because beauty in art should be shared. Enjoy 😊
Depicting Arrogance and Pride in Possessions
Acrylic on board - 48" x 48"
"Vivamus ut si mori cras. Fusce ut si vivere in aeternum."
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Acrylic on canvas 48" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas 24" x 30" - Diptych (right panel [Honey])
Acrylic on canvas 24" x 30" - Diptych (left panel [Venom])
"Amor et Melle et Felle est Fecunddisssimus."
Love is Rich with Both Honey and Venom.
According to a CBC News London article published the beginning of May, "Tenants received a letter from founder William Older stating that B13 — as the space is known — will close permanently on May 29. "In light of recent events, most notably that of the COVID-19 pandemic, there's no options left that allow B13 to keep financially afloat," the letter says." 

Sadly B13 Baker's Dozen in London is closed. Richard tells us he moved his studio into his basement, but hopes B13 will re-open eventually under new ownership. We hope so too.

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