
Sunday, 10 July 2016

Sensible Sort of Suffering

We haven't been riding our bikes much this year. I blame a combination of poor weather, weekend obligations and a general lack of enthusiasm. This weekend, we decided to make an effort. 

Our first overly ambitious attempt yesterday failed. I wrote about that here if you missed it. This afternoon, our goal was more sensible.

We rode out through Poplar Hill towards Ailsa Craig looping back until we reached Hyde Park Road and home. We rode a sensible distance (71 km) at a sensible pace (avg 24.5 km/hr). 

As cyclists, we're used to suffering. We ride until it hurts then keep going, sometimes for hours. As I've said before, that's what cyclists do. It's this Sensible Sort of Suffering we've been missing lately.

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  1. Love your guys rock!

    1. Thank you Karine. I see you've done a few fun rides this year, so you know what I mean when I call it a "Sensible Sort of Suffering".

  2. Good for you Beth & Lee and just think you do not have any family obligations until Thanksgiving. Lots of weekends free so enjoy you deserve it.
