
Thursday, 26 February 2015

TBT Birthday Wishes

Since it's Thursday and it's our daughter's Quarter Century Birthday, I thought it would be fun to share some Throw Back Thursday (TBT) photos from her first birthday to wish her a Happy Birthday. I selected her first birthday because her daughter turned one just last week. It melts my heart and brings back so many memories to see my daughter with her little girl. I love that she is truly happy as a Mom with two little children.

Happy Birthday to you - our amazing and delightful daughter. As a parent I'm sure you understand what I mean when I say your arrival totally changed our focus and our lives even more than we could have imagined. We love you lots, always and forever. 

The night you were born was extremely cold. I remember our car would not start so we called a cab but neglected to mention I was in active labour for fear the driver would refuse the fare. Your Grandma won the loonie taped in your baby book betting against your Grandpa. She bet I was having a girl. For once I was thrilled she was right. Although as I've learned over the years, Moms are usually right.

Your first year flew by and we celebrated your birthday in Toronto on a Tuesday after work sharing a homemade cake with our neighbours Steve and Mary.
You weren't quite sure what to do with cake but after one taste you figured it out. You thoroughly enjoyed your first birthday cake.
We celebrated again with a family party in Lucan the weekend after your birthday. The wagon was a gift from your grandparents. I am so happy it survived the years and is now enjoyed by your children. Quality lasts.
You and your cousin loved to hang out together at family gatherings. Of course you wanted to sit in the wagon together. I felt so lucky to be holding two little sweeties. You were both such adorable babies.
You loved looking at your birthday cards and tearing open your gifts. 
Your second first birthday cake came with a little bear cake just for you. You loved it and so did your cousin. Your Great Grandma was happy to see you enjoying it as her friend Mrs. Swan baked all our family birthday cakes. Her cakes were a much loved family tradition for many years.
Your Dad had cake on his face as you were sharing with him. You were sharing cake with everybody. You were such a generous child.  
The pony was a gift from your Auntie and Uncle. You were so happy with that pony. Just look at your smile. It lit up the room.
It still amazes me how quickly 25 years have passed. I hope you like these TBT Birthday Wishes. I can hardly wait to celebrate properly with cake when your Grandma and I fly in for our Second Annual Boulder Visit.

Happy Birthday to you, our daughter. You may be all grown up but you'll always be our Baby Girl.

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  1. Happy Birthday Natalie. Thanks Beth for putting together a great story with the old pre-digital era photos....

    1. And thanks to you for scanning them for me.

    2. What kind of scanner, they look amazing ! From prints or negatives ?

    3. Lee uses our all in one HP printer/scanner to scan photos He took the photos with an Olympus OM2 all those years ago. I am happy with the quality and may scan more to reduce our collection of albums.

  2. Wonderful to see those photographs again. It is hard to believe that 25 yrs. have gone by since they were taken. Thanks!

  3. Oh my what a lovely posting Beth and Natalie's GG adored her as much as she did you. Natalie is our much loved granddaughter and she has such beautiful children, we love you honey.

  4. That was awesome Beth, on a tech note , how did you come by the old pics ? Scanner, camera ( picture of picture) or digital from negative?
    Because they look amazing, obviously Dad had a nice SLR at the time.

    1. Thanks Ferlin. I answered your tech question above and yes I was lucky Lee could take good photos. There was no previewing in those days as you know. We just had to wait and see what we got. It seems strange now when I think about it.
