
Sunday, 6 April 2014

This Week

This week I have thoroughly enjoyed tulips in our bathroom. They are drooping but still very colourful and beautiful. I will keep them until they fall apart then add them to our compost bin.
This week the weather cooperated and I was able to ride my bike to work Monday through Thursday. I have missed my bike rides over the past few months. Biking to work is a perfect way to start and end the day. Once I start biking, I don't like to 'waste' a good weather day by driving. Luckily it rained on Friday as I had to drive to the gym after work. 

This week I decided to cancel my gym membership at The World Gym in London. My hubby and I have really good monthly rates but I just don't like going. I prefer spending time outside on weekends and I like to go home at the end of my work day. I thought I might use the pool which is really very nice but I only swam a couple times over the winter. In the end, I decided to cancel my membership which saves us $500 per year. I will continue to keep active with things I love; biking, hiking and walking the dog. Plus we have a really good 'home' gym if I want to exercise even more.  

At the start of this week, I put my crochet aside and focused more on my clutter clearing goals. I have been making regular runs to Goodwill but decided a few of our things might be worth selling. Since our 17 year old does not yet have a job, I told him he could keep any money he makes from the sales if he creates Kijiji postings and manages the sales. I gave him a Black and Decker Bread Maker (asking $25), a covered cat litter box (asking $5) and a large metal dog cage (asking $60). He sold the cage for $45 yesterday so now he has added his X-Box and games to the pile of items for sale. 
I also made a sale this week. I have three winter dog coats that don't fit our poodle but I thought they might be of value to somebody. Our son didn't think they would be worth his effort so I posted them and sold all three for $15. 

I added my Rollerblades (Women's size 7/8) and a Sunbeam Crock Pot plus Little Dipper Warmer set to the list of items for sale. I don't like to roller blade and I already have two other crock pots. 
I also spent some time this weekend clearing out drawers from a desk in the basement and sorting through memorabilia in an old trunk. The desk is empty and the trunk is lighter. I managed to clear out some of my childhood mementos but not my kids' stuff. I will go through it again another time. I really feel like I'm making progress.

After all these clutter clearing efforts, I finally settled down to crochet the dress for Sweetie Bear. I used a dress pattern by Yellow, Pink and Sparkly found here and made a few alterations so it would fit this larger bear. I increased the starting chain to 37 from 29 and added two more rows to the bodice plus two more rows to the skirt. It fits Sweetie Bear and looks really cute.

Sweetie primping in the mirror
Sweetie tip-toeing through the tulips.
This week has been fabulous and productive. I have enjoyed my cappuccino while working on this blog post and the weather has warmed up so it is time to get ready to ride ... a nice ride west of the city sounds perfect for today.
This week I plan to make pom poms in a variety of sizes and colours to decorate our wreath for spring. I'll be sure to post a photo when I'm done.


  1. Good luck with the sale items! nice to see a frillyly dressed bear - cute!

    1. Thanks and I'm thinking the bear needs a bonnet too. I just might have to make one.
